Get started by clicking this link to create an account!
Do I Need to Fill Out Any Additional Paperwork?
No, you will just have to create a new account and set up a new username and password. No
forms to fill out and no paperwork to re-submit.
What if I Already Have an Account?
If you create your new account using the same Email address associated with your account, then you will only be asked to confirm your rep AuctionACCESS ID number and verify your account through Email. No other info will be required.
What if I've Never Had an Account?
If you have never had an account, or you have chosen to use a different Email address, you will have to provide your rep AuctionACCESS ID number, the last four digits of the photo ID you used to set up your AuctionACCESS account, and your date of birth.
Once you have entered those few things, and set up your password, you will be asked to verify your account through Email.

How do I reset my password?
Click ‘FORGOT PASSWORD” from the log in page and follow the instructions.
Do I need to enroll in 2-step verification?
Yes, see Enrolling in 2-step verification for more information.